Hullo there! On the latest episode of Podcraft (recorded on no fewer than eight different recording platforms, incidentally!), we ran through 16 common podcasting myths. One of those was around podcast sponsorship, and how it's in no way the only or "best" way to monetise a show. But that doesn't mean we'd discourage anyone from finding or running a sponsor. In our guide to podcast sponsorship, we get into why it might be a good fit for your show, and how much you could potentially earn....
10 days ago • 2 min read
View this email in a browser Hi Reader, It's World Radio Day tomorrow! 🎉 To celebrate, I'm taking a look at some radio moments that have had a huge historical and cultural impact on the world – and how these moments have shaped how we use audio media today. And who knows, maybe in another 120+ years, someone (or an AI 😂) will be writing an article about how podcasting has changed the course of history too. 4 Radio Broadcasts That Changed History Read more 📣📣 NB: Do you run a podcast with a...
29 days ago • 1 min read
Hullo there! Recently, Katie analysed the episode intros of the top 20 shows in Apple Podcasts. Here are her findings in full. It's worth highlighting that one popular podcast had a 10-minute off-topic preamble, while two others had no intro at all. This suggests that there might not be any one "right" way to open a podcast episode, but there are definitely some good practices. We get into them on the latest episode of the Podcraft podcast. And, as ever, there's more fresh new content down...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Hullo there! Whilst it's brilliant that you can podcast with people on the other side of the world and sound like you're in the same room together, you really can't beat in-person recording. Getting together with a guest or co-host makes having a great, natural conversation so much easier. You're not at the mercy of internet connections, and those awkward pauses and messy crosstalk moments are minimised, too. Plus, you're fully in control of "the gear". Portable recording setups are no new...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
View this email in a browser Hi Reader, I'm sure we're all agreed that first impressions matter in podcasting. There’s a lot of pressure on those first few minutes of your show to keep regular listeners tuning in and new listeners hooked. But how do you know if you’re approaching your intro right? I spent some time analysing the intros of the top 20 shows in the US Apple Podcast Charts to see what they can tell us about the perfect intro formula. Here's what I learned... What Do the Top 20...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Hullo there! It's said that every podcaster can quote word-for-word the one-star reviews they've collected over the years. But, whilst these can sting, they're never quite as cutting as the one-star reviews you give yourself, are they? Almost all creatives experience impostor syndrome at some stage of their journey. A little of it can keep you determined and moving forward, but let it get out of hand, and it could become crippling. In Podcasting With Impostor Syndrome? 7 Common Self...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Hullo there! There are too many factors and variables in podcasting to compare your downloads to others. But some big data can give us a picture of the lay of the land in general. Podcast hosting giant Buzzsprout has some great public stats pulled from the 120,000+ shows on their platform, and this reveals that getting just 109 downloads for a new episode in its first month puts you in the top 25% of podcasts! In our updated-for-2025 Podcast Industry Statistics article, we get into this and...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Hullo there! What you talk about on your podcast will be totally topic-dependent, but how you frame it can make a huge difference to its reach and impact. Six types of content frameworks have consistently outperformed the rest. They are: Lists Comparisons Reviews Case Studies Costs How-Tos Regardless of your topic, I bet you can quickly think of a few great fits for your next episode. Check out our full guide on Creating Shareable Content to dig deeper into getting the best from each one....
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Hullo there! It'd be a funny old medium if we all earned $250 million from our shows, wouldn't it? I'm no economist, but surely hosting platforms would just charge $20 million a month, and we'd soon all be back to where we started? Except, of course, the owners of hosting companies who'd be lying in hammocks on various Caribbean beaches. Is that how it all works? I suppose we won't have to deal with that problem until it happens. Which, of course, it probably won't. The real world of podcast...
2 months ago • 2 min read
Issue 283 of The Fiction Podcast Weekly is brought to you by Waiting For October. Waiting For October, a queer monster podcast from the creators of Moonbase Theta, Out! Find it now wherever you get your podcasts. News, Roundups, and Announcements Third Coast International Audio Festival's newsletter shares a letter from Jocelyn Robinson about organizational changes. The Audio Drama subreddit published its State of the Subreddit: r/audiodrama in 2024, which has some very interesting...
2 months ago • 3 min read