Hullo there! Whilst it's brilliant that you can podcast with people on the other side of the world and sound like you're in the same room together, you really can't beat in-person recording. Getting together with a guest or co-host makes having a great, natural conversation so much easier. You're not at the mercy of internet connections, and those awkward pauses and messy crosstalk moments are minimised, too. Plus, you're fully in control of "the gear". Portable recording setups are no new thing, but we're living in a golden age of them now. If you own a smartphone (and last time I walked past a bus queue, everyone did), there are tiny, affordable, yet powerful kits that can help you record amazing content on the go. Two notable offerings here are the Rode Wireless Micro and the BOYA Mini. And, with the latter costing as little as $45 (thanks to some erratic discounting), this setup is accessible even on the tightest of podcasting budgets. Check out our full comparison of both kits, as well as the usual slice of fresh new content for you, below. Enjoy :-) 🔶 Acoustics in Architecture: How Spaces Shape the Sounds We HearHow do acoustics and architecture work together to make a place influential? Ancient and modern structures can teach us a lot about sound. 🔶 What Do the Top 20 Podcasts Tell Us About the Perfect Intro Formula?We analysed the intros of the top 20 shows in the US Apple Podcast Charts to see what they can tell us about the perfect intro formula. 🔶 Simple Setups for Recording In-Person, On-Location Podcast InterviewsRecording in person has loads of benefits, and with the gear available today, it has never been cheaper or easier. 🔶 BOYA Mini Vs Rode Wireless Micro: Smartphone Audio Made EasyThe BOYA Mini is a budget alternative to the Rode Wireless Micro. At more than $80 cheaper, can it be anywhere near as good? 🔶 Podcast Calls to Action That *Actually* Work: Tips & TechniquesA good podcast call to action, or CTA, helps your audience hop over to more of your content, instead of bouncing elsewhere. 🎙️ How to Create a Media Kit that Actually Lands Sponsors (Creator Toolbox)Have you got a media or a sponsor kit for wooing those oh-so-desirable brands? In this episode, Colin's digging into what makes a great media kit, how to put it together, and all the other things you can use it for, besides sponsorships! Enjoy the listen 🎧 📻 Why Your CTAs Flop (& How to Fix Them!) PodcraftMany podcasters feel frustrated at the lack of action from their call. In this episode, we talk about why you might be seeing little or no uptake with your CTAs, and offer a few tips for putting that right. 📽️ Do you publish video as a part of your podcasting?Colin here - I need your help! We're looking to figure out the real state of video podcasting, right now. Ignoring the Rogans and the Coopers of the world, what are average podcasters doing with video? We want to interview 5 to 10 podcasters who use video in their workflow. Each of the 5 to 10 people we select to interview will earn a $50 amazon voucher as a thankyou. If you're up for it, here's a really short survey to apply: ⭐ Apply to be a participant & Earn a $50 Voucher As a bonus, we'll publish what we find out. So, you're helping us create a 'State of Video Podcasting' resource which can help guide your own efforts in that area. That's if you want to - there's still no requirement for video in podcasting! Thanks for your help! Thanks, as always, for being part of our community and following along 😁 Remember, if you need more help, we have a couple of things which support the free content we put out. Want a tool to make recording, editing & publishing quicker & easier? 🎤 Alitu: our Podcast Maker App automates lots of the process, and helps with the rest! Including audio cleanup, text-based & audio-based editing for your recordings, free podcast hosting, episode building & loads more. Cheers! ⭐ Want to Sponsor this Newsletter? We work with products and services that are a great fit for our readers, so if you offer something that's ideal for podcasters and creators, get in touch. Drop us a line at |
Launch, growth and success tips for Podcasters and wider content creators. Read a set of quick points, from tool reviews to growth tactics, and much more, all aimed at helping you create the show of your dreams. If you're building a personal or a content brand, then get started with us!
Hullo there! On the latest episode of Podcraft (recorded on no fewer than eight different recording platforms, incidentally!), we ran through 16 common podcasting myths. One of those was around podcast sponsorship, and how it's in no way the only or "best" way to monetise a show. But that doesn't mean we'd discourage anyone from finding or running a sponsor. In our guide to podcast sponsorship, we get into why it might be a good fit for your show, and how much you could potentially earn....
View this email in a browser Hi Reader, It's World Radio Day tomorrow! 🎉 To celebrate, I'm taking a look at some radio moments that have had a huge historical and cultural impact on the world – and how these moments have shaped how we use audio media today. And who knows, maybe in another 120+ years, someone (or an AI 😂) will be writing an article about how podcasting has changed the course of history too. 4 Radio Broadcasts That Changed History Read more 📣📣 NB: Do you run a podcast with a...
Hullo there! Recently, Katie analysed the episode intros of the top 20 shows in Apple Podcasts. Here are her findings in full. It's worth highlighting that one popular podcast had a 10-minute off-topic preamble, while two others had no intro at all. This suggests that there might not be any one "right" way to open a podcast episode, but there are definitely some good practices. We get into them on the latest episode of the Podcraft podcast. And, as ever, there's more fresh new content down...